
lunes, 8 de junio de 2009

Diabético a partir del 6.5% de hemoglobina glicada

Sabíamos que algo se estaba moviendo, después de los consensos para adecuar los diferentes sistemas para determinar la HbA1c -EASD, ADA y IDF, y la IFCC-, los esfuerzos para estandarizar las unidades de la HbA1c, tras el el ADAG ( A1c Derived Average Glucosa), han salido publicados un consenso con miembros del ADA, EASD, IDF en donde se aconseja – falta refrendarlo por todas las organizaciones- la utilización de la HbA1c para el diagnóstico de la DM2, proponiendo un punto de corte del 6.5%, al considerarlo suficientemente sensible y especifico para detectar los individuos con riesgo de desarrollar retinopatía, máxime los resultados de estudio DETECt-2.

Adjunto recomendaciones (siento que esten en inglés):

"Recommendation of the International Expert Committee
For the diagnosis of diabetes:
● The A1C assay is an accurate, precise measure of chronic glycemic levels and correlates well with the risk of diabetes complications.
● The A1C assay has several advantages over laboratory measures of glucose.
● Diabetes should be diagnosed when A1C is >6.5%. Diagnosis should be confirmed with a repeat A1C test. Confirmation is not required in symptomatic subjects with plasma glucose levels >200 mg/dl (>11.1 mmol/l).
● If A1C testing is not possible, previously recommended diagnostic methods (e.g., FPG or 2HPG, with confirmation) are acceptable.
● A1C testing is indicated in children in whom diabetes is suspected but the classic symptoms and a casual plasma glucose >200 mg/dl ( 11.1 mmol/l) are not found.

For the identification of those at high risk for diabetes:
● The risk for diabetes based on levels of glycemia is a continuum; therefore, there is no lower glycemic threshold at which risk clearly begins.
● The categorical clinical states pre-diabetes, IFG, and IGT fail to capture the continuum of risk and will be phased out of use as A1C measurements replace glucose measurements.
● As for the diagnosis of diabetes, the A1C assay has several advantages over laboratory measures of glucose in identifying individuals at high risk for developing diabetes.
● Those with A1C levels below the threshold for diabetes but >6.0% should receive demonstrably effective preventive interventions. Those with A1C below this range may still be at risk and, depending on the presence of other diabetes risk factors, may also benefit from prevention efforts.
● The A1C level at which population-based prevention services begin should be based on the nature of the intervention, the resources available, and the size of the affected population.
International Expert Committee Report on the Role of the A1C Assay in the Diagnosis of Diabetes "

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